
Have Fun, Make Friends, Play Rugby With the Beijing Aardvarks

Vincent R. Vinci theBeijinger 2022-05-07


After a recent blast of cold, it looks like Beijing is finally starting to enter spring as temperatures are forecast to hit 13 degrees Celsius next week. With this in mind, it’s prime time to get outside for fun in the sun – so why not give a new sport like rugby a try?

What is rugby? It’s sort of like American Football, but without pads and a tad more complicated. Players attempt to kick, carry or pass (laterally and backward) an inflated oval ball and reach their opponent’s side of the field, where they can either kick the ball into the opponent’s goal or ground it behind their goal line to score points.

It might sound complex, but it’s more fun than it seems, and if you’re eager to try it out, there are a few clubs you can join in the capital to do just that.

To find out a little more about the sport in Beijing, we spoke with Tim Jones, vice president of the Beijing Aardvarks Rugby Club – a club that's called the capital home since 1999 – and someone who is heavily involved with rugby in the capital and China in general.


Hey Tim! How long have you been involved with rugby and what got you into the sport?

I have played since I was in school. One of my teachers was passionate about rugby and encouraged us all to get involved in the sport. Once I finally got my head around the rules, I never looked back!


What clubs are there, and how often do they meet?A
There is a growing rugby following in Beijing and cities across China. There are four clubs currently in Beijing with plans for more. During the season, clubs will meet for training and games weekly, as well as tours around China.

Why did you join the Aardvarks and how long have you been with the club?A
When I arrived in Beijing I was keen to get involved with a rugby club. The Aardvarks were recommended to me as having a great community so I went to a training session and was welcomed with open arms. I’ve played in incredible games, made lasting memories, and met fantastic people from all walks of life. Q
Why would you recommend people try rugby if they haven't tried it?A
Rugby is a game that gives a lot of opportunities to people of all different skillsets, shapes and sizes. There is a role for everyone on a team.

This leads to a diverse group of people in rugby clubs who are always willing to welcome others, whether you're a man or woman, a beginner to a seasoned pro. If you’re looking to have fun and be introduced to a fantastic Beijing community, this one is for you.
How can people get involved in clubs like the Aardvarks?A
Scan our WeChat code (find it below) and send us a message. From there you can come to training or one of our many social events to see how you like it. Our registration night in March is [a] perfect way to introduce people to the club, so feel free to come down!

The Beijing Aardvarks Rugby Club will be holding their Registration Night on Friday, Mar 4, at Paddy O'Shea's from 7pm onwards. Scan the QR code in the poster or below for more information or to contact the club.


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Images courtesy of Marco Reyes, Beijing Aardvarks Rugby Club


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